sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011

Radix tree implementation in C#

Update: you can find the entire source code here 

This is my implementation of a radix tree data structure. This is a data structure very similar to a trie. Basically instead of having each one of your nodes hold a char you have each one of your nodes store a string or as wikipedia puts it, it is a trie where "each node with only one child is merged with its child".
As I understand it the names radix tree and crit bit tree are only applied to trees storing integers and Patricia trie is retained for more general inputs.
As usual I am outputting the code for each class.

First, the node:
/// <summary>
/// represents a node in the radix tree
/// stores:
/// a label - string that the tree holds
/// a list of the node's subnodes - a list of other objects of this type
/// </summary>
public class Node
public Node()
Label = "";
SubNodes = new List<Node>();
public Node(string l)
Label = l;
SubNodes = new List<Node>();
public string Label;
public List<Node> SubNodes;

Then the actual tree
public class Tree
/// <summary>
/// store the tree's root
/// </summary>
private Node _root;
/// <summary>
/// construct a new tree with it's root
/// </summary>
public Tree()
_root = new Node("");
/// <summary>
/// insert a word into the tree
/// </summary>
/// <param name="word"></param>
public void Insert(string word)
InsertRec(word, _root);
/// <summary>
/// recursively traverse the tree
/// carry the word you want inserted until a proper place for it is found and it can be inserted there
/// if a node already stores a substring of the word(substrnig with the same first letter as the word itself)
/// then that substring must be removed from the word and it's children checked out next
/// hence the name wordPart - part of a word
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordPart">the part of the word that is to be inserted that is not already included in any of the tree's nodes</param>
/// <param name="curNode">the node currently traversed</param>
private void InsertRec(string wordPart, Node curNode)
//get the number of characters that the word part that is to be inserted and the current node's label have
//in common starting from the first position of both strings
//matching characters in the two strings = have the same value at the same position in both strings
var matches = MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(wordPart, curNode);
//if we are at the root node
//the number of characters from the two strings that match is
//bigger than 0
//smaller than the the part of the word that is to be inserted
//bigger than the the label of the current node
if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) && (matches >= curNode.Label.Length)))
//remove the current node's label from the word part
bool inserted = false;
var newWordPart = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
//search the node's subnodes and if the subnode label's first character matches
//the word part's first character then insert the word part after this node(call the
//current method recursively)
foreach(var child in curNode.SubNodes)
if (child.Label.StartsWith(newWordPart[0].ToString()))
inserted = true;
InsertRec(newWordPart, child);
if (inserted == false)
curNode.SubNodes.Add(new Node(newWordPart));
else if(matches < wordPart.Length)
//in this case we have to nodes that we must add to the tree
//one is the node that has a label extracted from the current node's label without the string of
//matching characters(common characters)
//the other is the node that has it's label extracted from the current word part minus the string
//of matching characters
string commonRoot = wordPart.Substring(0, matches);
string branchPreviousLabel = curNode.Label.Substring(matches, curNode.Label.Length - matches);
string branchNewLabel = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
curNode.Label = commonRoot;
var newNodePreviousLabel = new Node(branchPreviousLabel);
var newNodeNewLabel = new Node(branchNewLabel);
else if (matches == curNode.Label.Length)
//in this case we don't do anything because the word is already added
else if (matches > curNode.Label.Length)
//add the current word part minus the common characters after the current node
string newNodeLabel = curNode.Label.Substring(curNode.Label.Length, wordPart.Length);
var newNode = new Node(newNodeLabel);
/// <summary>
/// given a string and a node the number of characters that the string and the node's label have
/// in common starting from the first character in each is returned
/// </summary>
/// <param name="word">a string that is to be compared with the node's label</param>
/// <param name="curNode">a node</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private int MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(string word, Node curNode)
int matches = 0;
int minLength = 0;
//see which string is smaller and save it's lenght
//when cycling throught the two strings we won't go any further than that
if (curNode.Label.Length >= word.Length)
minLength = word.Length;
else if (curNode.Label.Length < word.Length)
minLength = curNode.Label.Length;
if(minLength > 0)
//go throught the two streams
for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++)
//if two characters at the same position have the same value we have one more match
if(word[i] == curNode.Label[i])
//if at any position the two strings have different characters break the cycle
//and return the current number of matches
return matches;
public bool Lookup(string word)
return LookupRec(word, _root);
/// <summary>
/// look for a word in the tree begining at the current node
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordPart"></param>
/// <param name="curNode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool LookupRec(string wordPart, Node curNode)
var matches = MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(wordPart, curNode);
if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) && (matches >= curNode.Label.Length)))
var newLabel = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
foreach (var child in curNode.SubNodes)
if (child.Label.StartsWith(newLabel[0].ToString()))
return LookupRec(newLabel, child);
return false;
else if (matches == curNode.Label.Length)
return true;
else return false;
//Find successor: Locates the smallest string greater than a given string, by lexicographic order.
public string FindSuccessor(string word)
return FindSuccessorRec(word, _root,string.Empty);
private string FindSuccessorRec(string wordPart, Node curNode,string carry)
var matches = MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(wordPart, curNode);
if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) ))
var newLabel = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
foreach (var child in curNode.SubNodes)
if (child.Label.StartsWith(newLabel[0].ToString()))
return FindSuccessorRec(newLabel, child, carry + curNode.Label);
return curNode.Label;
else if (matches < curNode.Label.Length)
return carry + curNode.Label;
else if (matches == curNode.Label.Length)
carry = carry + curNode.Label;
int min = int.MaxValue;
int index = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < curNode.SubNodes.Count;i++ )
if (curNode.SubNodes[i].Label.Length < min)
min = curNode.SubNodes[i].Label.Length;
index = i;
if (index > -1)
return carry + curNode.SubNodes[index].Label;
return carry;
else return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
///Find predecessor: Locates the largest string less than a given string, by lexicographic order.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="?"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string FindPredecessor(string word)
return FindPredecessorRec(word, _root,string.Empty);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wordPart"></param>
/// <param name="curNode"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string FindPredecessorRec(string wordPart, Node curNode,string carry)
var matches = MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(wordPart, curNode);
if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) && (matches >= curNode.Label.Length)))
var newLabel = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
foreach (var child in curNode.SubNodes)
if (child.Label.StartsWith(newLabel[0].ToString()))
return FindPredecessorRec(newLabel, child, carry + curNode.Label);
return carry + curNode.Label;
else if (matches == curNode.Label.Length)
return carry + curNode.Label;
else return string.Empty;
/// <summary>
/// Delete: Delete a string from the tree. First, we delete the corresponding leaf.
/// Then, if its parent only has one child remaining, we delete the parent and merge the two incident edges.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label"></param>
public void Delete(string label)
DeleteRec(label, _root);
/// <summary>
/// delete a word from the tree means delete the last leaf that makes up the stored word
/// </summary>
/// <param name="label"></param>
/// <param name="curNode"></param>
public void DeleteRec(string wordPart, Node curNode)
var matches = MatchingConsecutiveCharacters(wordPart, curNode);
if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) && (matches >= curNode.Label.Length)))
var newLabel = wordPart.Substring(matches, wordPart.Length - matches);
foreach (var child in curNode.SubNodes)
if (child.Label.StartsWith(newLabel[0].ToString()))
if (newLabel == child.Label)
if (child.SubNodes.Count == 0)
DeleteRec(newLabel, child);
view raw C# radix tree hosted with ❤ by GitHub
And the test program:
var tree = new Tree();
Console.WriteLine("predecessor of the word \"romanes\":" + tree.FindPredecessor("romanes"));
Console.WriteLine("successor of the word \"rom\":" + tree.FindSuccessor("rom"));
Console.WriteLine(tree.Lookup("romulus") ? "there" : "not there");

5 comentarii:

  1. Hello Andrei,

    Thanks for sharing your solutions.

    Sorry to ask this but, what do you intend to do on line 055?

    054 if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
    055 ((matches > 0) && (matches <>= curNode.Label.Length)))

    Using the operator <>=

    Also on line 074

    074 else if(matches < commonroot =" wordPart.Substring(0," branchpreviouslabel =" curNode.Label.Substring(matches," branchnewlabel =" wordPart.Substring(matches," label =" commonRoot;" newnodepreviouslabel =" new" newnodenewlabel =" new" matches ="="> curNode.Label.Length)

    Did I miss the definition of commoroot?

    Also on line 101

    101 for (int i = 0; i <>

    Have you finished the cycle, or you left it for us to finish it by ourselves?


    1. Hi,
      Sorry about that. It's the syntax highlighter messing up the code.
      Anyway this is the proper code for line 74:
      if ((matches == 0) || (curNode == _root) ||
      ((matches > 0) && (matches < wordPart.Length) && (matches >= curNode.Label.Length)))
      and this one for 101:
      //go throught the two streams
      for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++)
      //if two characters at the same position have the same value we have one more match
      if(word[i] == curNode.Label[i])
      //if at any position the two strings have different characters break the cycle
      //and return the current number of matches
      return matches;

      If anyone can suggest a better syntax highlighter please do so. This one has lots of bugs.

      I promise I'll upload all these codes to github or something like that as soon as I find the time.

  2. Hi this is somashekhar i want to ask in the internal node of particia tree what it contains plz reply me???

    1. Grab the code from here: https://github.com/paratechnical/RadixTree I will try to update the code don't know why nothing is visible anymore
